The Ro’dey Show is a Caribbean sketch comedy series widely featuring several pre-taped skits starring various Ro’dey characters. Each episode covers a variety of real life scenarios with a focus on humorous aspects of Caribbean culture. The Ro’dey Show was created by Blu Moon Productions and Star Global Production Studios.
Maturity Level : all
Life on Lexo Street follows the lives of Santana and his best friend Narine as they navigate daily life and lots of drama on Lexo Street.
Maturity Level : 16_plus
The Jones family (Irving, his wife Angela and their children Tracy and Nathan) become reluctant participants in a reality show.
Abiola tells the story of Barbadian 15 year old Abiola Adams, who is transferred from a private secondary school to a public secondary school after her step-father is laid off. Abiola is a told from the perspective of an adult Abiola 20 years after the fact and depicts Abiola’s social and family life as she navigates the awkward years of adolescence.
An All Bahamian Sketch Comedy Show, tackling contemporary issues with laughter and whatever Sawyerboy thinks of and bring to life thru video.
"Broke Bosses" Follows the comedy exploits of Duppy and TJ as they try to make bank in the 242.
In every neighbourhood there are always ‘those people’ who play their music too loud, who like to mind everybody’s business; they are the most fun, outrageous, bunch of people. These are Those People.
Set in the 1960s. Life with the Ramsinghs tells the story of Rajesh, a student of Naparima College, living in a remote fishing village in south Trinidad, with his father, Ramsingh and older brother Jankie who are both drunken fishermen, as well as his mother Joyce who wants to see him study and become a doctor.